TeamWox HelpTelephonyInbound Rules

Inbound Rules

Use this tab to configure the routing of incoming calls. These rules are required for receiving calls from external numbers (local, toll and international calls). For internal calls between employees made using the TeamWox Communicator, configuration of these rules is required.

Inbound Rules

Setting Up Rules

To add a new inbound rule, begin to fill the empty bottom line. When you finish rule editing, click the "Save" button at the top of the tab. To remove a rule, move the cursor on it and click the Delete button that appears at the end of the line.

Rules are checked from top downwards. If the incoming call number corresponds to the conditions of the top rule, it is handled under this rule, otherwise conditions of the second rule are checked, and so on.

The following parameters are set up for each rule:

  • Provider — select here one of the configured telephony providers, through which external calls are received. Calls from this provider will be processed in accordance with this rule.
  • Starts with — specify the first digits and symbols of phone numbers that will be processed in accordance with this rule.
  • When — when the rule should be applied: "Always" or during office hours indicated a the work time setting. For example, you can set up forwarding of incoming calls to an around-the-clock hotline in non-working hours. During working hours, calls can be forwarded to a general corporate phone number. To do this, create two rules. The first rule in field "When" specify the name of the working time setting. In the second rule in field "When" specify "Always". Thus, the calls during working hours will be processed in accordance with the first rule, and in the rest of the time - according to the second one.
  • Action — type of action that will be applied to the call:
  • Transfer to digital receptionist — transfer the call to a preset digital receptionist selected in the "Parameters" field.
  • Connect with users — transfer the call to the users selected in the "Parameters" field. The call will be routed simultaneously to all users. The connection will be established with the first user who responds to the call.
  • Forward to number — forward the call to the number specified in the Parameters field. This feature allows you to redirect calls to any external number.
  • Close call — forced completion of call.
  • Parameters — depending on the selected type of action, specify users of a digital receptionist to rout the call to.

Button Rule enabled at the end of the line means that the rule is enabled. If you click on it, the rule is disabled, and the button turns gray Rule disabled.

Rules can be moved relative to each other. To move a rule left click in a cell with the number of the rule and, holding the mouse button, drag it to the desired position. Rules can be moved in groups. To do this, select them by single mouse clicks holding down Ctrl.

For each provider, one inbound rule is created automatically create. It is configured in such a way as to direct all calls coming through the provider to the default digital receptionist.

This rule cannot be removed. This is done to ensure that all calls are processed by the system. To implement your own call processing logic, place this rule on the lowest position.